- 01/01/1
- Non-Food / Cosmetic
A nice place to be
In her new column, Elfride Dambacher motivates her readers to buy natural cosmetics in the stores.

The Natural Cosmetics Sector Monitor for the first half of 2023* reveals that people are happy to be shopping in person again. During the first six months of 2023, the number of new natural cosmetics shoppers once again increased. Customer foot traffic is growing in all channels where cosmetics expertise can be found. It’s a good sign.
A stroll through the city centre is a great leisure activity and increases foot traffic in shops. On-site shopping has its own appeal, especially now during the months before Christmas when sales are strong.
The more individualised our society becomes, the more precisely the on-site offerings have to correspond to the needs of the target groups. Diversity in society and the growing demand for natural cosmetics make differentiated offerings essential.
I like to enter shops and get tips on natural cosmetics, but I’m seldom satisfied with the results. If I ask about natural cosmetics, I either hear the most fantastic goofs (the latest example: What do you mean by natural... / you’ll have to talk to our boss...) or I’m left standing alone in front of the shelves.
I’m amazed at how often objections to natural cosmetics are raised and that they’re not defended with greater confidence.
For the on-site experience, having the right range of products for the right target groups is crucial and helps ensure a successful future. Natural cosmetics have been attracting new buyers for years. All too often, however, the advice given and the choice of products are still based on methods from the past. And in the meantime, the future has long since begun.
All it takes is an unexpected, positive shopping experience, because it stays in a person’s mind. When I leave a shop with an unexpected added benefit, I remember that shop as a nice place to be!
The shopping experience is especially important now in the Christmas season. What could be more natural than choosing sustainable Christmas presents? For me, each year is an opportunity to give new natural cosmetics products as gifts. When I do, I never go wrong. And if anyone needs more ideas, they can look to the new products and trend categories that are presented each year at VIVANESS.
Save the date: The next VIVANESS will take place 13- 15 February 2024 in Nuremberg.
Source: www.thenew.online/marktforschung/