BIOFACH | Call for ideas
Speaker on stage during his presentation at the BIOFACH congress
Green Organic Background

Call for ideas for the BIOFACH Congress 2024

The Call for ideas offers the opportunity to actively shape the programme of the BIOFACH Congress.

Via the Call for Ideas - everyone is invited to design congress sessions and submit them as a proposal

We are looking for session proposals with topics and questions that stimulate discussion and exchange and illuminate different perspectives.

The session proposal

  • is of interest to the industry,
  • reflects current discussions,
  • informs about the development of the markets,
  • deals with news and trends,
  • deals with future topics, controversial (political) content,
  • sheds light on law and order,
  • informs for example market, opinion and marketing as well as research content.

Use the following online form to submit your session proposal. Outline the planned content and questions as concretely as possible. Specify already now which speakers and panelists will be involved.

Deadline is Friday, 06 October
After that, we close the "Call for Ideas" process, and start the evaluation and program planning.

Please note: There are no fees. Fees and travel expenses are not paid.

Speakers receive a free ticket for the entire duration of the trade fair and access to the VIP lounges, as well as a free ticket for the exhibitor evening on Thursday.


Submit your idea for Call for Ideas

Fields marked with * are mendatory

Please enter the info in the congress language you will be using in your session, in German or English.

Your personal data

Your session request

Session format*

Classic: Seating in rows, interaction with the audience via room microphone; presentation will be recorded and posted on BIOFACH digital afterwards.

Workshop*: Speakers in the center, short distance to the audience, presentations are not planned; workshops will not be recorded. *Only a limited number possible!

Proposed date and time (final date and time are dependend upon programme planning and might differ from your proposed date and time):

List of speakers

Info about moderation (if relevant)

Info about speaker 1*

Info about speaker 2

Information about speaker 3

By clicking on this button, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted the Data Protection Regulations. Further information on the "Transparency and Information Obligations" of NürnbergMesse GmbH can be found here.*

Two congress participants in a close-up from behind

Questions & answers about the BIOFACH Congress

Do you have questions about the BIOFACH Congress? We have the answers for you. All questions and answers at a glance.

Preview programme overview BIOFACH digital

Congress and Event Schedule BIOFACH/VIVANESS 2024

Take a look what the programme of BIOFACH and VIVANESS 2024 had to offer.

Mildred Steidle

Mildred Steidle

Director Organic Services GmbH

Do you have questions about the content of the BIOFACH Congress? I will be happy to help you.

Send email +49 81 58 92 29-308
Maximilian Opalewski

Maximilian Opalewski

NürnbergMesse GmbH

Do you have general or organizational questions about the BIOFACH Congress? I will be happy to help you.

Send email +49 9 11 86 06 89 96