Awareness concept of NürnbergMesse: Inscription "AwareFlair being aware together"

Awareness concept "AwareFlair" - being aware together

We are actively committed to a safe and respectful environment for all participants at our events at the Nuremberg exhibition venue. We have laid this down in our Code of Conduct.
Download House Rules AwareFlair (PDF)

Our measures on site

Drawing of a woman looking for help and a male checkroom staff member who is trained to help her in an unpleasant situation.
Look for our security, checkroom or catering staff. With the code word “Is LUISA here?” you will receive help from our trained staff as quickly as possible.

Trained staff

Should you nevertheless find yourself in an unpleasant situation or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our security, checkroom or catering staff. You can use the code word “Is LUISA here?” to discreetly draw attention to your situation without having to explain yourself. If you mention the code word, our trained staff will assist you quickly and confidentially. 

Drawing of a WC room with a "AwareFlair" poster on the wall

Posters on the exhibition grounds

Informative posters highlighting our measures to prevent sexual assault and discrimination are displayed in all restroom areas as well as the central contact points (ServicePoint, checkrooms). These posters contain important information about our support services as well as the code word “Is LUISA here?” to enable you to get help quickly and confidentially in unpleasant situations.

Drawing of a room with inscription "Safer Space"

Creation of a “SaferSpace”

We have also set up a so-called “SaferSpace” - a protected room where people can withdraw. There is also a NeedingsBox with various aids that can be used. Our security, checkroom and catering staff will accompany you to the retreat.

These measures are part of our commitment to a safe trade fair experience. We want to help ensure that all participants feel comfortable and respected at our events. Because your well-being and safety is important to us and is our top priority!

If you have any questions about the concept, please contact us at the following e-mail address:

Quick help on site

With the code word "Is LUISA here?" you will receive help from our trained security, checkroom or catering staff as quickly as possible.
Download guideline of the awareness concept (PDF)

Explanatory video about the awareness concept

Thumbnail of the video explaining the “AwareFlair” awareness concept