BIOFACH | Application special shows
Product presentation at the special show experience the world of VEGAN
Green Organic Background

Apply for special shows at BIOFACH 2025

Register now and secure your space at one of our attractive special areas!

Your three participation options


TableTops offer a cost-effective participation opportunity for smaller and/or younger companies that are not yet exhibiting at the trade fair.

Product presentations

Product placements on our special areas offer maximum visibility in addition to exbhitors' own stands.

Exhibitor presentations

On various stages, exhibitors can present their companies, products and ideas to an interested specialist audience.

Our special shows

  • Initiatives & NGOs Network Hub

    As a non-governmental organization or industry initiative that makes a valuable contribution to the common good of our society, the Initiatives & NGOs Network Hub offers you the opportunity to introduce yourself to trade visitors at BIOFACH and exchange ideas.

    Attract visitors’ attention with a TableTop presentation with our "carefree package".

  • International Newcomers & Start-ups

    The special area International Newcomers & Start-ups in hall 4A enables young companies from the organic sector to present themselves with their innovative products and concepts to international trade visitors and establish valuable contacts. The position of the special area right next to the Novelty Stand of BIOFACH acts as an additional visitor magnet.

    Attract visitors’ attention with a TableTop presentation with our "carefree package".

  • Alternative Packaging Solutions
    FACHPACK 2024 and BIOFACH 2025 will offer manufacturers of alternative packaging materials and packaging aids a cost-effective way to present their products at the pavilion for Alternative Packaging Solutions.
    Companies can choose between a small 3 m² TableTop stand as well as a bigger 12 m² stand option. Participation also includes a pitch slot on one of our presentation stages.

    Registration for the TableTops and the bigger stand option will be available from autumn 2024.
  • Organic Out of Home

    In 2024, BIOFACH launched a new area dedicated to the out-of-home-food-market. Returning in 2025 with a new name, the area will offer a forum, possibilities for exhibitor pitches and several different advertising options as well as other events, e.g. live cooking shows. It will be located in Hall 6, dedicated to national as well as international exhibitors.

    Companies without a regular stand space as well as pre-existing exhibitors will be able to book a TableTop stand there, advertising their offers for the out-of-home-sector.

    Registration for services in the supporting program will be available from autumn 2024.

  • Novelty Stand

    Anyone looking for the latest novelties on the market will get results at the Novelty Stand in hall 4A. Take part and get your product in the spotlight. You also have the chance to win the "Best New Product Award" for the product that impresses the trade visitors the most. Present your product innovations in the appropriate environment: at BIOFACH’s Novelty Stand!

    Registration will be available from autumn 2024.

  • Experience the World of OLIVE OIL

    Experience the World of OLIVE OIL in Hall 4 is where manufacturers and traders, buyers and members of the catering industry meet up.

    In a blind tasting, visitors can choose the best olive oils presented at BIOFACH, which will be presented with the Olive Oil Award.

    Registration will be available from autumn 2024.

Your contact for questions 

Sebastian Knoll

Sebastian Knoll

Organization special shows (Novelty stand & trends, International Newcomers & Start-ups)

Send email +49 9 11 86 06 89 96
Ute Wünsch

Ute Wünsch

Organization special shows (Initiatives & NGOs Network Hub, Experience the World of VEGAN & OLIVE OIL)

Send email +49 9 11 86 06 89 96
Maximilian Opalewski

Maximilian Opalewski

Organization special shows (BlueNight)

Send email +49 9 11 86 06 89 96
Dominik Dietz

Dominik Dietz

Organization special shows (Organic Out of Home)

Send email +49 9 11 86 06 89 96